Mastopexy is a surgical technique whose objective is to lift and bring back into place a breast that has fallen over the years, also giving projection in the upper pole, above the nipple, an area where the breast filler is frequently lost. This technique requires a great deal of experience to achieve good results and a low rate of complications. For this it is very important to perform a pediculisation of the breast that allows us to support the breast in the long term on the three ligaments that support it and not only on the skin. For this reason, a surgical time of between 3 and 5 hours is necessary; shorter surgical times will lead to poor results as in this situation we will only use the skin to support the gland, which will lead to a rapid fall of the breast (before one year), widening of the scars and deflecting of the areola.
Corporal Aesthetic
Surgical Time
4/5 hours.
Admission Time
24 hours.
Type of Anesthesia
Type of Surgery
Pedicled Open.
Recovery Time
10/15 days.
Breast Surgery
Mastopexy5.500 €
Preoperative tests
Preoperative consultations
Surgical Procedure and Hospital Admission
Follow up
Follow up and control ultrasound
The mastopexy operations whose surgery time is considerably shorter are operations in which only the skin is trimmed. This technique leads to an early sagging of the breast, generally within a year of the operation, and to a widening of the scars and deflation of the areola, i.e. to poor results. For lasting results, it is necessary to pedicle the breast and use it to anchor it in place in the long term using the three ligaments that support it. For this reason, the correct surgical techniques that allow us to perform the operation for a duration of no less than 3 to 4 hours.
Any intervention on the breast will produce alterations in a mammogram or imaging test as internal scarring and calcifications occur. Calcifications are a warning sign for the radiologist in the detection of tumours, which does not mean that mastopexy can induce the formation of these tumours. However, it is advisable to carry out a control mammography one year after the operation, which will serve as a basis for the radiologist for subsequent scans. If the new mammographies do not show any changes in the image with respect to the postoperative image, it will indicate that the images from the first control mammography were due to internal scar changes. If, on the other hand, the image changes, additional tests should be carried out to rule out neoformative processes.
It is necessary to wear a special bandage for a few days, which is placed in the operating theatre immediately after the operation. Once the bandage is removed, the patient must wear a special bra to support the gland. Recovery is quick in terms of pain, swelling and scarring, although the final shape of the breast is achieved around one year after the operation.
By performing a good surgical technique, we will preserve sensitivity and vascularisation, as in breast reduction, which will lead to a very significant reduction in the risk of complications in the nipple-areola complex. There may be some changes in sensitivity but if the surgical technique is appropriate, they will be transitory and sensitivity will soon return to normal.
Once again we stress that if the surgical technique is adequate and the pedicle supporting the nipple-areola complex is sufficiently large, which is essential to achieve a good result and a low rate of complications, breastfeeding will not be altered.
Yes, a mammogram can be done although part of the breast may be covered by the prosthesis, preventing its correct visualisation, so we recommend combining it with an ultrasound scan. On the other hand, frequent mammograms can cause a rupture of the prosthesis, so it is more advisable to carry out a breast follow-up with magnetic resonance imaging.
Salvage surgeries are surgical treatments aimed at treating or modifying complications or negative results of a previous surgical treatment performed at another centre.
Below we will try to clarify some of the doubts that may arise before coming to our office and that may help you to make your decision.