The augmentation gluteoplasty is a surgical procedure aimed at increasing the volume of the buttocks. There are different techniques to perform it depending on the particular situation of each person. Thus, people with a firm buttock and elastic skin who only want to increase the size of their buttocks can do so by means of a gluteoplasty with prosthesis. At the same time, people in the same situation but who only want a slight increase in the volume of the buttock, may resort to lipotransfer or even buttock augmentation with filler material, these procedures are simpler, with less risk and more economically attractive. Finally, people who have had a significant sagging of the buttock with a loss of volume due to age or massive weight loss can resort to a augmentation gluteoplasty with island flap, a more complex technique that requires more experience on the part of the surgeon who performs it, but with lasting results and which not only increases the volume of the buttock but also lifts and projects it.
Augmentation gluteoplasty with prosthesis is reserved for people who want a significant buttock augmentation but in the context of an elastic skin and a buttock that has not sagged. The technique consists of making a small incision in the vertical intergluteal fold, an incision that will not be perceptible due to its location, and placing the prostheses intramuscularly through this incision. This last point is very important as the prosthesis must be completely camouflaged in the muscular plane, otherwise it will be visible and perceived as the presence of two balls above the buttock. This highly unsatisfactory aesthetic result occurs when the surgeon is not properly trained in the anatomy of the area and places the prostheses just below the skin. This aesthetic defect can be completely avoided by performing a good surgical technique. Placing the prosthesis in the intramuscular area of the gluteus maximus allows us to give an adequate volume to the buttock at the expense of what usually fills it, which is the gluteus maximus muscle. The presence of a prosthesis inside the gluteus maximus will be totally imperceptible and will be seen by the person who is unaware of the intervention as a gluteus with great volume.
Corporal Aesthetic
Surgical Time
2 hours.
Admission Time
24 hours.
Type of Anesthesia
Type of Surgery
Recovery Time
10 days.
Augmentation Gluteoplasty with
prosthesis4.800 €
Preoperative tests
Preoperative consultations
Surgical Procedure and Hospital Admission
Sebbin Prosthesis
Follow up
Follow up and control ultrasound
Lipotransfer augmentation gluteoplasty is an ideal technique for people who have a sufficient fat donor area and at the same time do not want a significant buttock augmentation. With this technique we obtain fat from the donor area by means of vibramatic liposculpture, generally from the abdomen, and we transfer it, after treatment and decantation, to the buttock area. This procedure has a double advantage: firstly, we remove fat and regularise the area from where we have removed it by means of vibramatic liposculpture, generally the abdomen, and as a second step we transfer this fat to the area we want to augment, in this case the buttocks.
In addition to having this double advantage, liposculpture transfer also has the characteristic that we are using autologous tissue for the buttock augmentation, thus avoiding the long-term use of prosthetic material placed in our body. Liposculpture with lipotransfer or lipofilling is performed with vibramatic, a special machine that allows the non-traumatic extraction of the fat and its treatment in a sterile canister. With this machine we achieve a maximum permanence of the transferred fat in the long term as there is no massive rupture of the adipocytes.
Surgical Time
2 hours.
Admission Time
24 hours.
Type of Anesthesia
Type of Surgery
Percutaneous surgery.
Recovery Time
10 days.
Augmentation Gluteoplasty by
Lipotransfer3.800 €
Preoperative tests
Preoperative consultations
Surgical Procedure and Hospital Admission
Follow up
The island flap augmentation gluteoplasty is a technique reserved for people who over the years or because of massive weight loss have noticed how they have lost volume and their buttocks have sagged. In these cases, in addition to lifting the buttocks, we must give them volume and for this reason we will use the skin that is left over in the upper part of the buttocks to maintain it and give volume to the buttocks. We will make two horizontal incisions: one in the upper part of the buttock and the other in the middle area. Between the two incisions we will maintain this tissue to give volume to the buttock. From the lower incision downwards we will make a detachment of the skin and fat that will allow us to move it over the previously described tissue and join it with the higher incision.
The first part of the tissue will be superimposed with the second part that comes from below, giving a double volume in the upper part and bringing the sagging subgluteal fold into place.
This is a complex technique that requires a great deal of experience to be performed correctly, so the choice of your surgeon is fundamental to obtain good results.
Surgical Time
4 hours.
Admission Time
24 hours.
Type of Anesthesia
Type of Surgery
Open with flap.
Recovery Time
2 weeks.
Island Flap Augmentation
Gluteoplasty5.600 €
Preoperative tests
Preoperative consultations
Surgical Procedure and Hospital Admission
Follow up
Follow up and control ultrasound
Augmentation gluteoplasty with filler material is a technique that is normally applied to thin people, who have very elastic skin and who do not have areas of donor fat but want a small increase in their buttocks. In these cases, filler material such as hyaluronic acid is used, which can be placed in high volumes as there are commercial preparations available for this use. The advantage is that it is an outpatient procedure, under local anaesthesia, very low risk and economically very attractive. The disadvantage is that the hyaluronic acid is reabsorbed after about a year or a year and a half and needs to be refilled periodically.
Surgical Time
45 minutes.
Admission Time
Outpatient Procedure.
Type of Anesthesia
Type of Surgery
Recovery Time
Augmentation Gluteoplasty with
Filler Material2.915 €
Preoperative tests
Preoperative consultations
Surgical Procedure
Hyaluronic Acid 130 ml.
Follow up
Follow up and control ultrasound
EIt is simple, just stand in front of a mirror and observe if the firmness of the skin is sufficient and the sub-gluteal fold is not blurred. In this case, if we only want a volume increase, the appropriate technique will be a simple gluteoplasty with prosthesis (if we want more volume) or with filler material (if we want a softer increase).
On the other hand, if in this same position the person notices how the skin falls and the sub-gluteal fold becomes blurred, other options should be evaluated.
When the surgical technique is correct and the prostheses are the right ones and are placed intramuscularly, the aesthetic result is very good and the prostheses will not be visible. On the other hand, if the surgeon only places the prostheses under the skin, what we will see are the prostheses as if they were balls, which shows a lack of experience and training on the part of the professional. In our centre, our professionals have sufficient experience and training to obtain the best aesthetic results.
When a person has a very sagging buttock, we must make two incisions in the highest edge of the buttock, this will allow us to lift the buttock and give it volume. The scars are hidden under the underwear or bikini. In any case, in these circumstances when the buttock sagging is so striking, the incisions lose relevance in the context of the volume and repositioning of the buttock that the surgery offers. The scars will be placed horizontally on the upper part of each buttock (one per buttock) inside the underwear.
This always depends on the type of technique we have undergone. After undergoing an augmentation gluteoplasty with an island flap, it is advisable to sit as little as possible, preferably lying down or bending over, whereas if the augmentation gluteoplasty is with prostheses or filler material, it is not necessary as the patient can sit from the first few days.
In an augmentation gluteoplasty, prostheses of the same material as breast prostheses are used but specially designed to be placed in the buttocks, they are a little more expensive than breast prostheses but the aesthetic result is very good.
In some centres breast prostheses are placed in the buttocks to lower costs but this is reflected in a very bad aesthetic and visual result. It is very important that the patient asks for the sticker on the prostheses at the time of discharge from hospital, where the brand, serial number and reference number can be found.
Salvage surgeries are surgical treatments aimed at treating or modifying complications or negative results of a previous surgical treatment performed at another centre.
Below we will try to clarify some of the doubts that may arise before coming to our office and that may help you to make your decision.