This type of prosthesis is used to give volume to the biceps muscle when, despite spending several hours in the gym, we do not manage to develop it or when we do not want to develop it by spending several hours in the gym. This procedure consists of opening a small incision in the armpit to place the prosthesis that will remain in the desired shape and volume in the long term. It is a simple procedure, which is performed under general anaesthesia and which allows a quick return to daily activities. We use high cohesive silicone prostheses, specially designed for the biceps.
Men's Surgery
Surgical Time
1 hour.
Admission Time
24 hours.
Type of Anesthesia
Type of Surgery
Recovery Time
10 days.
Prostheses€ 5.600
Preoperative tests
Preoperative consultations
Surgical Procedure and Hospital Admission
Sebbin Prosthesis
Follow up
Follow up and control ultrasound
It is very simple and consists of placing a specially designed prosthesis just in front of the muscle to give shape and volume to the biceps permanently.
The results are very good as they avoid the need to visit the gym several times a week to maintain the volume of the biceps, but simulate the development of the biceps based on physical exercise.
Yes, they are designed to be maintained in the long term, but they are not exempt from suffering from cracks or gel leaks, so we always recommend a check-up by a professional to avoid further complications.
The post-operative period is comfortable and painless as the incision made to place the prostheses is minimal.
Salvage surgeries are surgical treatments aimed at treating or modifying complications or negative results of a previous surgical treatment performed at another centre.
Below we will try to clarify some of the doubts that may arise before coming to our office and that may help you to make your decision.