Augmentation mastopexy is a procedure performed on patients who have small breasts that have sagged over the years or with breastfeeding. In this case we combine breast lifting and augmentation with a prosthesis. It must be taken into account that this surgery is one of the most important challenges in cosmetic surgery as it combines a technique that must ensure the lifting and maintenance of the breast in its place in the long term and the absence of complications such as the widening of the scar or the widening and deflecting of the areola and also a breast augmentation.
The match between the prosthesis and the breast when performing a breast augmentation mastopexy is complex and requires a great deal of experience. To perform the technique correctly it is important to remember that we must pedicle the breast as we do in a simple mastopexy in order to support the weight of the gland and the prosthesis in the long term without this weight resting on the skin. Otherwise the scars will widen, we will have a deflation of the areola and a rapid fall of the breast.
On the other hand, the prosthesis must always be hidden under the tissue, the muscle and the gland to prevent it from being visible and to avoid complications such as rippling (wrinkles that appear on the skin as a consequence of having placed the prosthesis superficially, very close to the skin), carrying out a correct concordance with the rise of the breast, always based on a pediculisation of the same.
If the surgical time is less than 5 hours, it means that only the skin has been used as a support for the prosthesis, which will lead to bad results, to a rapid fall of the breast and to a widening of the scars and the areola, as well as to its stellate deflecting.
Corporal Aesthetic
Surgical Time
5 hours.
Admission Time
24 hours.
Type of Anesthesia
Type of Surgery
Pedicled Open with retromuscular prosthesis.
Recovery Time
2/3 weeks.
Mastopexy5.600 €
Preoperative tests
Preoperative consultations
Surgical Procedure and Hospital Admission
Sebbin Prosthesis
Follow up
Follow up and control ultrasound
It is one of the biggest challenges in aesthetic surgery if we want to offer the patient a good result, as it combines three pedicle flaps of the breast so that it is supported in the long term by the axillary, paraexternal and Cooper's ligaments, thus allowing it to support the weight of the gland and the prosthesis in the long term. In this way, we avoid the complications that occur early on when only the skin is operated on, resulting in very wide scars, deflected and widened areolas, a breast that falls prematurely and unsatisfactory aesthetic results.
Yes, as long as the surgeon performs the correct surgical technique based on the specialisation, experience and continuous training of the professional. Unsatisfactory results are obtained with quick surgeries in which the surgeon simply places the prosthesis under the gland and closes the skin under the tension of the sutures. In these cases the gland is neither supporting its weight through its ligaments nor the weight of the prosthesis, so the breast will fall prematurely, causing the poor results mentioned above.
The prostheses should not be visible as long as they are placed correctly, i.e. by isolating the prosthesis with sufficient tissue under the skin. Prostheses that are placed just under the skin have many complications, including the fact that they are visible and palpable. In these circumstances, visible folds can form in the skin (rippling), which can only be corrected with a reoperation by camouflaging the prosthesis under planes such as the muscle. For this reason it is essential to place the prosthesis with sufficient tissue to isolate it from the skin, i.e. under the muscle, under the gland, under the fat and under the skin.
It is important to rest at home for a few days because during the operation the pectoral muscle is lifted to place the prosthesis and this can cause discomfort or pain when lifting the arms. We recommend that you should reserve a week to 10 days before returning to your daily activities.
The bandage is removed a week after the operation, but it is important that the surgeon places the bandage in the operating theatre, as this avoids complications related to the pressure therapy garments, which are not controlled by the surgical team as they are placed at the discretion of the person who wears them and the people who administer them. For this reason, the bandages applied in the operating theatre are applied with the appropriate tension and strength in each case, thus avoiding early complications.
The breast needs a long period of adaptation both to the new situation we have created and to the prosthesis. Although the most important swelling occurs in the first few weeks, the definitive result is only achieved one year after the surgery, when the breast and the prosthesis settle on the lower edge, creating the characteristic rounded appearance of the breast.
Salvage surgeries are surgical treatments aimed at treating or modifying complications or negative results of a previous surgical treatment performed at another centre.
Below we will try to clarify some of the doubts that may arise before coming to our office and that may help you to make your decision.